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20 September 2023
Beyond the Flop: Introducing the POSTFLOPIZER GTO Solver!
Redefining the postflop poker tools landscape with POSTFLOPIZER, the new postflop GTO solver from the team behind ICMIZER. With a myriad of cutting-edge features, it's more than just a GTO solver—it's your ultimate poker companion.
23 August 2023
Progressive Knockout Tournament Strategy with ICMIZER
In this video professional poker player and coach, Mike Wasserman explains how to efficiently use ICMIZER when reviewing PKO Tournament hand histories and utilize powerful TrueBounty model.
22 May 2020
ICMIZER 3 Tutorial—Everything You Need to Know
Collin Moshman explains how to efficiently use ICMIZER 3 in detail
26 March 2020
Understanding Progressive Knockout Tournament Math & TrueBounty Model
How much equity do you need to call the early all-in in a Progressive Knockout tournament? How important is ICM pressure on the bubble of a bounty tournament? In this video Valentin Kuzub, the creator of ICMIZER explains some intricate details about the TrueBounty model.
18 December 2019
The Art of Push/Fold - Lesson 1
Push/Fold as the Basis of Your Tournament Strategy - the first lesson from Valentin Kuzub, creator of ICMIZER
13 December 2019
Bounty Strategy before the Final Table in MTTs
Valentin Kuzub demonstrates how to use the new feature of ICMIZER 3 which allows calculating optimal push/fold charts in PKO tournaments before the final table.
5 September 2019
ICMIZER 3 Tutorial for ICMIZER 2 Users
ICMIZER 3 has just launched. Valentin Kuzub demonstrates automatic hand analysis, new range editor and other powerful new features.
24 May 2018
Introducing ICMIZER Nitro & Automatic Analysis
Check out our most recent update— ICMIZER Nitro & the Automatic Hand Analyzer
19 April 2018
ICMIZER 3 Teaser Video
6 Things You Need To Know About the Upcoming ICMIZER 3
7 December 2017
Highly effective Push-or-Fold Bubble Strategy for MTT Tournaments
Learn how to crush the MTT Bubble with ICMIZER
25 August 2017
How to review Progressive Super Knockout tournaments
Learn how to review PSKO tournaments with individual bounties for players
26 August 2015
ICMIZER 2 Basic Tutorial
Introduction to ICMIZER 2. Contains the most important basic information about our poker calculator. MUST watch for new players.
16 July 2015
Daniel Negreanu's Bust Out Hand of 2015 WSOP ME—Mistake or Good Play?
A detailed analysis on the last hand of Daniel Negreanu's WSOP 2015 main event run by Aze Gallo
8 April 2015
Bonus: video overview of ICMIZER 2 SNG Coach
Bonus video for subscribers of 'The Art of Push/Fold'
15 October 2014
Pro poker coach Aze Gallo shows how to learn Spin & Go strategy with ICMIZER
Aze teaches you how to use ICMIZER to choose the best preflop decisions in the 3-way and 2-way situations of the all new PokerStars Spin & Go format.
5 October 2014
Professional poker player and coach Aze Gallo reviews 5 SNG tournament hands in ICMIZER
Hands are from 6-max hypers, 9-max hypers & 6-max turbo SNGs
5 September 2014
5 SNG hand ICM questions answered with ICMIZER
5 SnG hand ICM questions answered with ICMIZER
9 April 2014
ICMIZER for HUSNG players
Review of all HUSNG related ICMIZER features by pro HUSNG player Mattraq1
16 February 2014
Sng Wizard 2 Review: Unrestricted range editing and new Result Grid
Whats new in Sng Wizard 2. We inspect 2 of its new marketed features: unrestricted range editing and results grid.
6 January 2014
2014: ICMIZER tutorial
Introduction to ICMIZER. Contains the most important basic information about our poker calculator. MUST watch for new players.
20 October 2013
Push fold charts: using Hand EV and Range charts in ICMIZER
Learn how to use Hand EV chart and Range chart - powerful compliments to usual results grid.
17 August 2013
MTT ICM calculations in pre final table spots
Overview of MTT ICM calculator feature: creating payouts, editing stacks on other tables, choosing ranges, Chip EV & ICM EV
17 May 2013
Nash Equilibrium ranges and Nash calculator
Video will help you to understand the most difficult ICMIZER feature: Nash equilibrium ranges calculator.
31 March 2013
Pushing against SB limper from BB position
Video shows how ICMIZER can help you build a pushing range against limpers in HUSNG and other tournaments.
31 January 2013
10 ICMIZER features you should know about
Video covers 10 powerful features of ICMIZER, which are likely to go unnoticed.
14 January 2013
ICMIZER video tutorial
Covers some basic ICMIZER features: analyzing push fold spots; differences between Chip EV and ICM EV; ranges, which affect hero decision